Friday, April 8, 2011

At the Hospital

We had Ryan at Seton Central (just like Ava) but in the 4 years in between, a lot has changed.  They redid the whole maternity ward and it is super nice and the rooms are downright spacious compared to last time.  So spacious that I had a ton of visitors on day 2.  I was not planning on having too many visitors this time around so it was a nice surprise!

Aunt Gabe, Sawyer & Lexie (who were really into seeing baby Ryan) and  Uncle Lyndon all stopped by to see their new nephew/cousin.
 Dara, Trina & Jen also stopped by to visit....bringing nice gifts.  Thanks guys for coming by with flowers and the bottle of Skinnygirl Margarita...can't wait to try that out!  The last lady in the photo is our nurse from Day 2, Rose. I thought she looked familiar and told Darren that I thought she might be the 1st nurse I had 4 years ago when I had Ava...the one who was amazing and taught me to breastfeed and was just all around best nurse I had.  When he saw her, he confirmed that it was her..had to have a photo of her & Ryan since she was there for both of my kids and me. 

 Once again, Rudy & Jeanie brought Ava by in the afternoon to visit and once again, Ava came bearing gifts...balloons this time around.  She also had to wear her "Big Sister" outfit again (2 days in a row!)
 Ava & her little brother...she desperately wanted to hold him "all by herself" but we had to tell her that we still needed to hold his neck for now since he is so little.  Something tells me I am really going to have to watch her (not that I wasn't planning on it already).
 Sisterly kisses!
 Our first family photo..I finally made myself look presentable (after most of my visitors had come and gone)...I even showered and put on my designer hospital gown (thanks Rosemary -- love it!!!)
Oh and thanks to everyone else who sent well wishes and gifts...I promise thank you cards are coming sometime in the near future.  Thanks Mom for bringing lunch and sending Darren some Tiff's treats & thanks Valerie Davis & family for the Tiff's treats too...yummy surprises!!

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