Friday, December 31, 2010

Birthday Celebration

We celebrated Darren's bday early again this year since we were down at the Okruhliks.  I, of course, kept my gift to Darren for his real bday (Jan 2nd) b/c I figure it is nice to open something on your birthday but Rudy & Jeanie & Ava all gave their gifts to him today.

Blowing out the candles...decided 33 candles might light the house on fire so we just stuck with 21.
 Darren's cake...Ava picked out Mickey Mouse decorations & plates to celebrate his big day.
 Here is Darren checking out the set of hot wheels/matchbox cars Ava picked out especially for him (he used to get these as a kid and his collection is in Conroe where all the grandkids play with it).

Later, we went to mall for fun and Darren & Ava rode the carousel.  She said she wanted to ride in the "coach."  I wanted her to ride one of the animals that went up and down but at least this time she got on the ride (not like last time).
 And on a totally unrelated note, here is an awesome picture that Pops made on Ava's new string art thing.  Pretty hilarious!  Had to include it because I find this toy really fun. 

Thursday, December 30, 2010

More Drama

This is a nice photo of the family playing Candy Land with Ava (one of about 50x we played with her).  It actually was really fun especially after Ava & Darren crossed the finish line and then Rudy & Jeanie had to race to come in 3rd.  They kept drawing the picture cards that send you back near the beginning...pretty funny really.

So why the "drama' title?  Because 10 min after this game was completed, Ava jumped from the carpet to the tile and somehow missed her feet. She landed smack on the back of her head and a golf ball size lump appeared there.  We got her to calm down but then she would cry again so we decided that since it was almost bed time, we better take her to the emergency room.

Seriously, I thought all the drama and adventures were behind us but I was wrong!  Thankfully, it turned out that she was fine (we didn't think she had a concussion but you hate not to take her in with a huge lump on her head).  Ava at first did not like the trip to the hospital (she recently has decided doctors are scary and screams and cries when being checked out) but after they gave her a popsicle (to ensure that she could keep it down and she did not have a concussion) and a kitty pillow (guess they have these for the sick kids), she decided that drs weren't too bad. Hoping she keeps the happy feelings when her 4 yr check up comes up since they have to give her 4 shots then!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Conroe Christmas

Once we made it back to Texas, we celebrated Christmas with Darren's parents. (Sadly this year was the first where we did not have Christmas with D's sister and family..bound to happen sometime...we missed them!)

Here is Ava looking at the stuff Santa brought for her (we told her he was coming twice this year!!)
Here is the awesome stuff Santa brought for her (the dress up rack was custom built in a little place I call Santa's workshop by an elf named Rudy. Wink wink!)
 Ava showing off all her costumes (the girl LOVES dress up)...Alice in Wonderland, Sleeping Beauty, Jasmine & Tinkerbell...
 And Captain Hook, Cinderella, a yellow ballerina dress & Cinderella's wedding dress.
 After lunch we opened the other presents (you know the ones from Granny & Pops & me & Darren).
 Ava even picked out a special gift for Darren...a green Zhu zhu pet hamster named Sergeant Serge (she has one too so now they can play together).  Darren looks happy to have gotten one!
 Darren & I exchanged presents for the first time in about 4 years.  It was super fun and as you can see from the ridiculous photo below, I was super excited.  One of the things I got was this awesome camera bag/purse from Jo's Totes that I had my eye on. For anyone who has a big SLR camera, these bags rock...they look like purses and are super cute!
 And Rudy finally gave Jeanie her last present, a Kindle which came in the sleeve I made for it.  They had already done their Christmas so Jeanie was very surprised to get another gift and was so happy. She even got teary eyed..too cute!  Then she came over and gave Rudy a big hug and sat on his lap which was kind of funny....I have decided to call this photo "Happiness is a Kindle."  Because really, if you got a Kindle you would be happy too (assuming you like to read).  They rock!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

End of NYC Trip - An Adventure!

Now for your enjoyment, I will tell you about the last 3 days of our trip.  On Sunday (day after Christmas) we had planned on walking around Brooklyn and getting out of the house since we had been cooped up for the last few days.  This did not happen.  Why?  Because I got the stomach flu and was house bound all day. Darren & Ava played with toys for awhile around our apt but then headed over to C&J's to hang out for awhile.  Thankfully, by the evening, I was feeling better but by that time it started to snow.

No big deal right?  Well it snowed a long time and anyone who read the news that week, saw that NYC had a blizzard with like 10 inches of snow!  It was nuts.  We woke on Monday (when we had planned on going into Manhattan to FAO Schwarz and other fun things) to a blanket of white.  Subways were not running, almost nothing was open, and we were without food.  So we hiked over to my sister's house in the cold snow.  Ava of course was thrilled.  It was really cool but would have been better had we had ski clothes or something and had I not been pregnant.  Darren carried Ava most of the way since paths had not been shovelled and the snow was 4 ft deep in some places.

The street out front
 On our way to Cort & Jack's...the big mounds are cars.
 Ghost were just abandoned in the middle of the weird!
Anyways we made it to their house and were determined at some point to get out (cabin fever had set in!). On the walk back home, we found a pizza place open and ate there.  Flights on Sun & Mon had been cxled and the airport was opening up Mon night so we figured our flight (on Tues) would still be on (it was!) but we weren't sure how we were going to get to the airport.  On Tues, we found a local car service and he told us that he could pick us up at an intersection 2 blocks from where we staying.

So we hiked the 2 block in the snow (still deep) with all our luggage, Ava & the car seat.  Thankfully the man we had rented the apt from helped us with our luggage otherwise it would have been really bad.  We waited for 30 minutes in 27 degree weather (keep in mind we don't own really warm winter clothes) for our driver to get to us.  I was cold and tired but Ava, of course, was having the time of her life, throwing snow balls ans playing.  Ah to be 3 again!!   The driver lived a block or 2 away but navigating the snow covered streets took time but at last he arrived!  We got to the airport & made our flight.  End of story?  Not quite!

30 minutes before we landed in Houston (on our final descent), we woke Ava up and she starting complaining about her back hurting.  At the time, I was also not feeling well as the ride had been a bit bumpy and 6 months pregnant & bumpy do not mesh well.  Darren decided to hold her for a bit.  All of a sudden Ava throws up all over herself and Darren.  We had no barf bags on our side of the plane and any time I got within smelling distance of the 2 of them, I gagged.  Luckily a nice lady across the aisle helped Darren out.  A nice flight attendant helped too but sadly they only had 1 trash bag on board and very few paper towels since catering never arrived before our flight left NYC (they took a vote to see if we wanted to be delayed or just go..never thought that would bite us in the butt). I'm not sure how Darren managed all that and did not get sick, but he did.  The hero of the day!

Anyways, we stripped Ava down to her undies (and no we did not have extra clothes packed in our carry-ons) and they gave us an airline blanket to wrap her in.  D tried to clean himself up with paper towels and wipes that someone on board lent us.  We get to Houston and we decide that Darren will carry (blanket-wrapped) Ava & I will manage the carryons.  I make it half off the plane before I realize I left her bag of vomity clothes in our seat so I had to wait for most of the plane to deboard before I could go back to retrieve them.

Then we head to baggage claim and halfway there I realize I am not going to make it.  Pregnancy had worn me out and I still felt nauseous so we stopped to get a cart for our baggage.  Much better.  Darren said he was getting lots of looks.  He thought it was the throw up on his pants.  I think it's because he was carrying a little homeless naked girl in a blanket through the airport.  It was quite a sight!  We get to baggage claim and Ava & I sit while Darren gets the bags.  We then rearranged all our stuff on the cart before heading out to find D's parents.  Both Darren & Ava put on dirty clothes (in D's case, pajamas) once we were in the car (hey better than throw upy ones).  I felt sick the entire 1 hr drive back to D's parents' house and proceeded to throw up when we got there.  End of story? Again, no!

Ava's bedtime comes and we are getting ready to put her down.  That's when we notice her pink princess carry on luggage is no where to be found.  And guess what?  It contains all her lovies, her favorite blanket, a few new toys, her jacket and her pillow pet. I am beyond upset at this point.  Too much for one day.  Thankfully, I have a wonderful father-in-law and husband who decided that after calling the airport and nothing turning up, that they would drive 2 hrs round trip to see if the suitcase was still there.  And guess what?  5 hrs later, it was sitting in a chair in baggage claim right where we had left it (was it me or Darren, we will never know since that was just a really hectic time).  So happy to have recovered that bag!!!

Really this story could have been worse if we had been one of the 86 people who were on standby for our least we made it back.  Maybe not in one piece but we all recovered from our travelling illnesses!

Not sure if anyone will read this far, but if you have, you might be laughing now.  I am now that some time has passed.  It really is quite the story and it's one Christmas I will never forget!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!!

Christmas was interesting this year since 1) we did not stay with my sister in her place but in an apt a few blocks away 2) Santa came to my sister's house and 3) Santa also was scheduled to come to Darren's parents' house when we got back to Texas.

So once again we bundled up (this time with Ava still in her pajamas), made the 10 minute walk to C&J's and then looked to see what Santa brought Ava.  Here she is first seeing all her stuff (no, that kitchen was not hers....Santa knew not to bring anything big to NYC that we would have to tote back).
 She immediately tried on the Cinderella costume Santa brought her and struck some funny poses for her (the girl loves to dress up!)
 The madness of Christmas present opening.
 Cort & I decided to take a few pregnant sister photos together.  We both felt a bit ridiculous (and laughed for most of the photos) but thought it would be funny to take some of the 2 of us...she is like 9 months pregnant here and I am about 6 months.  Cortney is all belly!

 Ava got dressed up for a few Christmas pics by the tree. Griffin had a matching dress but refused to take any photos for me.  What do you expect from a 19 month old?
 Fun photo take with my iphone and one of it's apps.
 At night, Jack drove us over to Dyker Heights (a neighborhood in Brooklyn that has crazy amounts of lights). As usual it was cold but it was still fun to see the blocks and blocks of lights.
 Back at the apartment, Ava & Griffin went for some box rides.  With all those Christmas toys, this is what they wanted to do.  That and play with potatoes.
 And then Darren saw my dad & I sitting on the couch the exact same way and had to take a photo of us. Like father like daughter.  Ha!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

We all bundled up tonight and hopped on the subway to head in to Manhattan.  We decided that even though it was probably going to be crazy, we had to go see some lights specifically the tree in Rockefeller Center.

Ava was a bit scared of going on the subway (mainly b/c she knew it was dark in the tunnels) but once she got on, she loved it and wanted to ride the subway again.

Darren & Ava in the subway about to ride the F train.
 Rockefeller Center was nice to see but as we thought, it was not as big as you picture and it was crazy packed.  You could not even get to the railing where you could see the ice skating rink.  Glad I can check this off my list but don't need to go see it again. 

Ava & I in front of the tree. (Ava opted for silly in this photo I guess)
 Darren & Ava in Rockefeller Center (loving D's facial hair here combined with the hat...seriously)
 And a photo of dad and his 2 pregnant daughters (thankfully the jackets basically hide that fact).  We never take photos of the family anymore unless their is a kiddo in them so it was nice to get this one.
 Back at Cort & Jack's, I gave Ava & Griffin their matching Xmas jammies...Griffin broke free while getting dressed and proceeded to do a naked victory dance around the apt as Ava ran around and chased her.
 Trying to get a shot of the girls in their cute matching pajamas but unsucessfully since the only ones I could take were while they were entranced by the TV.  Oh well!  Still better than last year as you can at least see both their faces.
 And here is Ava laying out Santa's spread of sugar cookies and milk...yum!

Thursday, December 23, 2010


We headed to NYC this year for Christmas to hang out with Cortney, Jack & Griffin since C is 9 months pregnant.  Dad also flew up there too to celebrate.  It was nice and cold (think highs of 32) while we were there so it was very Christmasy. Also it snowed...but more on that later.

Darren & Cortney making sausage balls (and laughing about the balls...a lot of jokes made during this time - reminded me of that SNL skit with Ana Gasteyer & Molly Shannon)
Ava getting pony rides from Pablo.  Yes she is not wearing pants here.  Weird thing was the whole trip, every time we got to C&J's house, Ava immediately took off whatever pants she was wearing. Thankfully most of the time she had on tights so we did not have to see her undies every day.  Guess she is not used to bundling up in so many clothes!
 Silly family photo of Pablo, Ava & Cortney.
 And one more including Griffin.  She's so tiny!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Spin Art

After Christmas with Me-Mommy, we headed to the Tilsons to do a gift exchange between the girls since they won't see each other on Christmas either.  Ava got some nail polish (of course she loves it) and an air hockey/pool table/soccer game/3 other game table.  She loves air hockey and loves this toy.

We gave Lexie a Dora mega block house (I've never seen her so excited --  she loves Dora!) and Sawyer a spin art set.  I must say I have been wanting to get Ava spin art for some time now (partly for her and partly for me) so since Sawyer loves art projects, I knew she would like this one.

However, I did not realize how excited all the kids there would get.  We ended up having a mini spin art party.

Sawyer testing it out.
 Ava (and me...loving that the black shirt and angle is hiding my belly! ha!)
 Lexie concentrating.
 And Beckham.
They all got one turn and probably would have gone through all the paper that night if we had let them.  Now I definitely want one!  I love how they all turn out so different and it is just pure fun!

Christmas with Me-Mommy

Since we will be in NYC for Christmas (and then Conroe), we did Christmas with mom early this year.  Our advent activity today was to "Go see a Nutcracker with Me-Mommy."  Ava's dance school was putting on a production of the Nutcracker (shorter and most parts filled by dance students) so we took Ava & my mom to it.  I was surprised Darren wanted to go but did not find out until after that he was not aware that it was just ballet and that nothing else goes on...he's never been!

Anyways we got Ava all dressed up in a cute Christmas outfit to take her.

 Then after, we went to mom's to open gifts.  Ava loved everything she got, even the clothes!  Fun to see her appreciate everything and to see how excited she was.
 Cute photo of grandmother and granddaughter. (Check out the awesome metallic pink cowboy boots Mom got her!)
 Darren excited about our new sheets (we really were excited about those!).  Love his cheesy poses...always the same big grin.
 Mom opening her new Kindle...she was VERY happy!
After gifts, we took Mom to Jack Allen's Kitchen for dinner.  We had only been there once before, but loved it and though Mom would enjoy it too.  It is really good food and if you live in Austin and have not gone, you really should.  The chef there used to be at ZTejas and it is kind of similar but super yummy!  I highly recommend their queso (with green chile pork & guacamole in it), the pimiento cheese with flatbread crackers and the Chicken Fried NY Strip.  Everything they bring out looks good so I can't wait to go back again!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Gingerbread House

We made a gingerbread house today for our advent activity.  The whole family pitched in to assemble it and decorate (yes we bought the pre-baked kind, I can't even imagine baking my own and trying to get it to be somewhat even/stable when done).  It was a lot of fun but super messy and of course, I had not read the directions beforehand telling you to wait an hour or more in between assembling the walls and decorating in order for the house to set but Darren & I found a way around that.

Some photos of Ava & I working on the house.

 The finished (and messy) house...still love it!


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