For those of you who enjoy this kind of thing, here is a pic of my always growing belly. If you know me at all, you know that in the past few years, I really have become semi camera shy...partly because I am not so photogenic anymore (it takes like 25 shots to get a good one of me), partly because I am overly critical of myself, and partly because I am behind the camera taking a million and one pictures of everyone else.
But I thought I should try to take a photo of the belly. I feel like in the past month or 2 I have just gotten huge and since I have 10 more weeks to go (as of this coming Thurs), I wanted to take a few belly pics before I get so big and swollen and disgusting that I won't want to. If I could find the photo of my elephant feet from when I was pregnant with Ava, I would show you so you know what I am talking about...scary stuff people!!
Anyways there it is! And can I say this little man is so freaking active! I get kicked repeatedly during the day and in not so comfortable places. He is also started to do those big sweeping movements that kind of creep me out and every once in awhile he kicks or moves so fast that I feel like a human punching bag. Not sure if this is a boy thing or what...Ava moved but not nearly as much.
Meanwhile, Ava continues to amuse us with her talk about the baby. Just yesterday she told me that she would help change baby brother's diaper and that she "will take the poopy ones." Ha! Pretty sure she will get one look at that and decide that helping does not seem as much fun when it is real and not pretend.
Megan, you look be-a-u-tiful! I can't wait to see you!
what a great picture! You look AMAZING!
You look great, Megan. Enjoy it as much as you can...soon you will have another baby to take of!
Thanks for the nice comments everybody! Just counting down the days and hoping that I don't swell up like I did with Ava!
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