Thursday, June 14, 2012

Silly Kids

I love the things the kids do sometimes.  They are just plain silly.  For instance, the other day, Ava told us that Monday would be her day to sleep in (probably because Darren and I alternate who gets to sleep in on the weekend).  We kind of laughed because Ava NEVER sleeps late.  So on Monday when she woke up well past 7 (unheard of!), I told her she slept late. And she looked at me and said "Mom, I TOLD you it was my day to sleep in."

Then, there is this:

Ryan just loves to do that position.  I think he spends at least 30 minutes a day looking at the world upside down.  He was doing it the other night and Ava decided she wanted to look back at him. So they giggled and stayed that way for longer than I would have thought.  Darren calls that Ryan's version of Tebowing. 

Then the other day, Ava asked to play a game on my phone while we were driving somewhere.  She hadn't asked in awhile so I let her.  Several days later, I was looking through my photos and found these.  I guess she decided to take some photos while she had my phone. Not too bad actually!  And I am actually in a photo!

I'm still trying to figure out what photo program she used to take them...I know it wasn't Instagram because they are not in my feed.  

And finally, my silly kids were giggling in the backseat on the way home the other day.  When we got home to the garage and took this video to see what exactly they were doing.

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