It's family photo time again. We set the self timer to take 3 photos in rapid succession and here are the top ones.
First, we did the plain happy photo.
Then I wanted to make sure we got a good one so we did it again. Of course while I was setting up the camera, Darren told his family to close their eyes so I would be the only one with mine open. Ha! They do this to me every time, you think I would learn. At least the kids have my back and kept their eyes open.
So then we tried to take another nice one. Looks like Ian missed the message and decided that now was when he should close his eyes.
Of course, we had to take a silly photo too.
And then per Ava's request a scary one. Jeanie, apparently does not like to be scary. Just silly.
All in all, there were 15 photos and I have to say if you watch them quickly in a row, it is quite humorous. Especially on the last 6 where some of us move. i won't bore you by showing you all 15 since I probably did that with 5.
Anyways, Ryan welcome to the crazy family! You're now officially part of our crazy family photos.
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