Thursday, July 15, 2010

Another Edition of "What Ava Has Been Saying"

1. Thank you God for all the wonderful things. Thank you for Me-Mommy. Thank you for all the good toys. Amen. (This was before going out to eat with my mom).

2. Ava goes to bathroom. “I just toot.”
Me: “No you didn’t.”
Ava: “I’m going to do something special. Toot.”
Me: “How is that special?”
Ava: “God made my new toot.”

3. While watching The Muppet Movie. Ava: “They going to Hobby Lobby?”
Me: “No, Hollywood honey. Not Hobby Lobby.” (You can tell where we go a lot)

4. While folding Ava’s laundry A sees her dress and says “My dress! Goody goody!”

5. To Darren while reeling me in on the boat (while I’m on a float) – “Look what I caught captain!”

6. Singing “Taxi taxi riding in the back seat. Roll the window up, roll the window down. Put the money in the slot, see you later, thanks a lot. Short beep, buggy bugstown.”

Last line should be : Sure beats walking cross town which I finally figured out when I googled this. It apparently is from one of those little things they show between shows on Nick Jr. (as seen here:

7. When going to bed, Ava told Darren “I don’t like my bed. It smells like boys.”

8. Ava: “I don’t like church. It’s too churchy. " Also "I don’t like our house, it’s too housey.” Of course then she tells me another time "I love our house. It is the most beautiful house I ever saw." So you can see how hard it is to tell what a 3 year old really thinks.

9. And Ava's latest is to talk about all her "imaginary friends" coming over. She told me all about 2 in particular this week, Dell-light and Lecka. Darren found out that they are boys and that she met them at Flores.

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